sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2019

Baby Crib / Детскую кроватку (Tutorial)

diciembre 07, 2019 0 Comments
Hello! It's Myry again with this simple idea for you. Today I gonna show you how to make this cute baby crib following these easy steps. Здравствуйте! Это снова Myry с этой простой идеей для вас. Сегодня я покажу вам, как сделать эту милую детскую кроватку, следуя этим простым шагам. 1. Cut this free template using...

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2019

Mini album "Winter Day"

noviembre 15, 2019 4 Comments
Hi everyone! I wish you a winter by the fire because cold is here! I don't know how it will be in your country but here it's very windy, it rains a lot... it's cold. I used a few supplies for this mini album: "Little Red Robin" Dovecraft paper collection, some die-cuts by Roses Skap, Скрапбукинг, рукоделие,...

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Mini album "Blue Submarine" (Tutorial)

agosto 21, 2019 0 Comments
Hello everyone! Summer still hasn't gone so you take advantage! Today I'm going a show you how to make a super mini album with only three scrap papers and a lot of imagination. (Tutorial en Español aquí) Supplies that you will need: -4 white cardstock pieces of 2 15/16"x3 3/4" -Cardboard -"Sea Time"...

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2019

Bee Layout

agosto 07, 2019 8 Comments
Hello everyone! Little time is left for summer's end and holidays... in other words: back to work! Although there are some small creatures that still work right now: bees! And, as the saying spanish goes: "By San Miguel (29th September), the beehive filled with honey" The fall still is not here but I wanted...
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