lunes, 30 de julio de 2018

JV "Man's History" 4 stage / СП "Мужская история" 4 этап

Всем привет!
Вот и наступил 4 этап нашего СП "Мужская история" с ОЭ - чип и вырезалки / 
высечки / вырубки.

So, die-cuts everywhere in every place!
In this case I made a contrast between the first silver page and the second golden page.
I made a little fussy cutting too.
I put a little flip again and this opens to the left. 
And some space to write, of course.
I love this page so much o (≧ o ≦) o 
This 3 photos, the rulers, the film strip... 
And that was my forth for this challenge!
I hope you like it.
На этом пока все.
До встречи!
♥ ╣ [-_-] ╠ ♥

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